Having a few problems with my JTAG atm and I was just wondering if anyone could help me. I seem to be having a issue booting games most of them get to the launch screen and then I just get a fatal crash. I've just reinstalled FSD3 735b and DL 3.11 and updated it to 16547 via the xeBuild and that all went fine. --------------------------------------------------------------- xeBuild Finished. Have a nice day. --------------------------------------------------------------- For example GTA V used to run perfectly fine never has a issue with it before until a few days ago come to boot the game and it gets to the R* logo and just crashes, Iv'e also re ripped the game from my retail disk and it still dose it. It's also on the latest TU and I have all the extra DLC downloaded for it also off my retail which has been unlocked. The issues seem to have started on some of the new games also like the lego movie and fable anniversy. If anyone could give me a bit of advice on how to fix this issue that would be great thanks DS.
Looks like RRoD is coming. Same happened with me and Boom.... E74. But im not sure im not a RGH pro lol
Messing around with the NAND or filesystem wouldn't cause E74, that is GPU related. What to try Darky, download that media centre (Can't remember the name of it) but it runs via XeLL, if it starts freezing there, then RRoD is definitely on the way or you just need to reflash.
I have a jtag that has been in the closet for the longest. It's a Xenon POS. Anyways, I did the xclamp fix on it before it went in the closet and arcttic silver was still fresh, so I spread it over again and put it back together and do the overheat trick to seal. After cooling< i get the same error but at boot. But the kicker is it boots into XELL just fine. Any advice?
My Advice would be to make your own Topic so others may see your post and be able to help you, Dont hijack others threads that are months old when it is just as easy to make your own.
As Feral said mate, heres the link to make your topic on to make it a bit easier.. http://www.xpgamesaves.com/forum/325-jtag-rgh-support/