min specs: -150MB OF RAM, -150MB OF DISKSPACE (100MB SOMETHING FOR THE JAVA) -350 MHZ -JAVA AND A BRAIN IF YOU FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS AS THEY ARE PRESENTED TO YOU, I GUARENTEE YOU WILL HAVE A WORKING RUNESCAPE SERVER. The absolute first thing are going to need in order to do this is your Desktop. Its wonderfully helpful for storing things. I suggest making a new folder (right click -> new -> New Folder) and naming it something like "Runescape Stuff" It is in this folder that you will dowload the server and the client. For those of you with no memory span at all, the links are as follows: The Server: http://mmorpg.ragezo...1104-server.rar The Client: http://mmorpg.ragezo...vservclient.rar Download both of these into your "Runescape Stuff" folder. If, for any reason, you are not smart enough to download them correctly - please abandon all hopes of owning your own server and go donate your computer at the nearest goodwill. Once download, extract the contents of the 20051104-server.rar into a new folder within the "Runescape Stuff" folder. Lets call it something catchy and original - "Server Stuff." Now that you've done that - DON'T touch any of it until instructed to do so. Now go ahead and extract the rsprivservclient.rar to a new folder within the "Runescape Stuff" folder. We'll call it (you may guess this one) "Client Stuff" Go ahead and right click on your rsprivservclient (the one with the neat icon) and use your "Send to" option to send it to the desktop as a shortcut. If you want, you can go ahead and rename the shortcut (the one on the desktop) to "Runescape". Now for the most important part! You need to get a Java JDK (=> JAVA developers kit) Don't panic - its free. There are a few things that you need to know first: 1)to save bandwidth, the makers of the SDK do not give out the full link, but rather an odd little java-based downloader thing. 2)When the option to Save or Run appears, go ahead and run, it is very small and a flash screen will apear momentarily.(RUN IT, ITS MUCH QUICKER) 3)When the flash screen fades away, a few windows will pop up as it prepares to connect to the site and fetch the file you will need. Just keep agreeing and clicking okay/next (or whatever you have to do - if you've ever installed anything I'm sure you can figure this out.) 4)It will eventually come to a screen that has a file window (only one file should show, and that is the JDK install file), go ahead and click start (lower left). 5)Depending on the speed of your connection, the file may take several minutes. Sorry about that, but its the only way for you to obtain the needed java compiler program Javac.java - without it the server cannot run. 6)Once the download thingy is done, the install file will be saved to your computer (for most people, this is going to be saved either on the desktop, or the "My Documents" folder), find this intallation program and run it all the way through. The installation will take a little time to appear, be patient. Okay do you think you have all that understood? You MUST, and I repeat MUST follow the steps as I have presented them to you, otherwise you will incounter errors. But, if you feel that you are ready, you can go ahead and use the steps I just went over to install your JDK Once your JDK installation is finished, find the "jdk folder" folder, usually located at C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_05which you can access via the "My Computer" option. Inside of it you will find a good number of folders and some other stuff. Open the "bin" folder. You should now be in C:\j2sdk1.4.2_13\bin and if you look around you will notice something very important - the JAVAC file!!!! Woot! MINIMIZE THIS WINDOW - DON'T CLOSE IT. Now, you need to copy everything in your "Server Stuff" Folder (for those of you who got distracted by your family pet and have no idea what I'm talking about, its in your "Runescape Stuff" folder on your desktop. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO COPY EVERYTHING IN THE FOLDER, BUT NOT THE FOLDER ITSELF. Once you've copied everything go back to your C:\j2sdk1.4.2_13\bin folder (which should be minimized) and paste everything in it. Presuming you don't fail at life, if you highlight everything in the folder and rightclick on one of the files, the click on properties it should say "Size: 1.45 MB (1,530,837 bytes)" Don't worry about the "Size on Disk" thing, thats some technical stuff. Now, before we do anything, you need to locat the "Compile" file you just copied into the "bin" folder. Double click on it and wait about a minute before closing it. DO NOT CLOSE THE FOLDER, THERE IS STILL MORE WORK TO BE DONE! Once you've compilied your server (you'll notice that you got no errors ^^) you need to locate the "Run" bat file that you just copied over and right click on it. Send it to the desktop as a shortcut. If you want, you can rename it "Server" Are you ready for this? Close everything out and get back to your desktop. You should have two shortcuts there, one for the Run.bat, and one for the client application thingy (neat icon). Double click on the shortcut for run. Another black window will appear saying it has started blackscape server - DO NOT CLOSE THIS, MINIMIZE IT. Now go ahead and click on your client. A familiar Runescape game window will open up. Put anything you want in the user name (please note these are case sensitive, meaning that "player" and "Player" will get two different characters). And under server put and click log in. You will appear in varrock in your own server, it shouldn't take you too long to become disatisfied with how buggy things are though. HERE ARE THE BASIC COMMANDS ,ONCE YOU HAVE LOGGED IN: ::kick playername (kicks player from server. Only for level 3 admins) ::item itemID (spawns item on ground) :ickup itemID amount (spawns an X amount of item to backpack. itemID must be 4 digits. for example coins are 0955) ::empty (clears items from your backpack) ::mypos (tells your location) ::tele xxxx,yyyy (teleports you to xxxx,yyyy cordinates. Both must be 4 digits) ::nick newnick (changes your name to newnick :layers (tells you the number of players. Fixed this on version 20051104 and later) ::bank (opens your bank. anywhere, anytime) :ass newpassword ::mod modlevel (Changes your modlevel. 0=normal player, 1=player mod, 2=golden crown -mod) ::yell some text here (Send a message shown for everyone on the server) VIDEO Hope this helped remember to click the and thank me if this helped you guys
Maybe you should focus less on mocking people and put a little more effort into putting up working links. Thanks champ.