How to Halo 4 Game Types

CLANNADv1 Feb 15, 2013

  1. CLANNADv1


    Oct 10, 2012
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    What you need:

    Hex Editor:


    or Hex Workshop works to…

    Sunburst Lite: Give Credit to Synth92 for it.

    Horizon/Modio= Mainly to inject files with your new file, do not shortcut it .

    Meaning, if horizon user.

    Change the Container’s Hex, then save in Sunburst Lite, then drag/drop into horizon. Click save/rehash/resign then save to zipdrive on the inject button & click yes to all pop-ups. Done.

    The .bak is the file itself, you can edit it if you know what your doing, but it’s easier to edit the container if you know what your doing…..[​IMG]

    • Bits not bytes!
      In order to conserve space and bandwidth, information in gametypes and map variants are contained at the bit-level. A bit is the lowest level that data can be stored. It is binary code: 01000101110. Each digit is a bit. A byte consists of 8 bits each.

      Usually, when space isn't a concern, boolean values (true/false) are stored in bytes like 00 for false and 01 for true. In binary, this is 0000 0001 for true. Notice how 7 bits are wasted? In Halo 4, they use a single bit for true/false. Since there are a lot of boolean values, they probably saved dozens of bytes doing this. This may not seem much but remember that gametypes are downloaded before every single match in matchmaking and millions of people play Halo 4 per day. It adds up quickly.

      How do I edit the bits in a hex editor? Well, HxD doesn't support editing individual bits so you'll have to pull out the Windows Calculator and set the mode to Programmer. Copy and paste the hex values into the calculator (make sure you're in hex mode too). You'll see the binary code underneath the input. Each letter/number takes up 4 bits. You can click on each bit to toggle them.

      Here's an example:Hex value: 0x003475Binary code: 0000 0000 0011 0100 0111 0101

      Red is the primary weapon which is binary rifle. Green is secondary which is incineration cannon. Let's extract the bits.Primary: 00011010 = 26Secondary: 00111010 = 58Ah... so binary rifle's actual value is 26 and incineration cannon's actual value is 58."Why is this important?" you might ask. The answer is because you won't see the same set of bytes everywhere due to the bitshifting (since many properties occupy an odd number of bits). For instance, at one point you see 01 FB FB FB FB FA but at another point you see 03 F7 F7 F7 F7 F4. They're actually the same at the bit level (but for a different trait).

      I'm not going to go into further detail at this point, but hopefully this will help you and other people. This is why your way of changing it to F0, A0, B0, etc. won't work in nearly all cases.

      2. Anonymize your gametypes
      The 8 bytes before your gamertag in the chdr block and mpvr block are your xboxuser ID. You'll have to null them out and edit your gamertag to whatever. There's also cache data in the file that might have your gamertag. Finally, there's one more instance of your gamertag/user id that's hidden from plain sight. It's the several bytes after the visible gamertag in the mpvr block. You'll have to bit-shift them and I'm not gonna bother going into detail here. That's something you'll have to figure out until I finish Sunburst. You can either release mods at your own risk or simply don't share with anyone else.

    Read that to further your education before you continue. I designed this tut for people who little to no knowledge about hex to make it easier for people….

    Let’s get started, eh?


    First: Grab new file that you named through horizon or modio, it shall say on the left 88.0 KB, created & modified by you unless you saved someone else’s variant.

    Next, drag file from that to desktop.

    Then open or drag file onto the hex editor


    Do not drag the back-up file, that is the actual file, you want to edit the container, so look before you edit.

    Sorry, part of my desktop on that…..


    Scroll down on the file until you see the highlighted numbers. Usually close around D43C0 – D4A0. Scroll down until you hit D900 on slayer variant you’ll find the leader traits hiding around.

    Now, the fun part, the codes.

    01 FB FB FB FB FA

    I follow the above code to a simple rule, it’s sleek & effective.

    Think of them as your load-outs.

    First thing you see in the weapon loadout is primary, so 01 = primary.

    01 = Primary
    FB is secondary

    Note: First weapon will lead the 2nd weapon, as like a string, you pull on one end, you change the outcome by 2. Same with load-outs. So, 01 + 1 = secondary.


    AA = Armor Ability


    Is Tactical Package


    Is Support Upgrade:

    FA = ?

    Now, lets move on to something more complicated shall we,

    To make the flood, depending on what you are trying to do, involves a little more smart….

    Do you want flood to have team colors or no colors?

    Remove force color = white. I think black works better, don’t you?

    00 00 00 A0 A0 B0 C0 D0 F0 D0 F0 C0 B0 A0 F0 D0 A0 BA C0

    This above is the old code but still needed if you want to make the big slayer look like the flood.

    The highlighted digit in red = skull traits.

    Known ones are pestilence, regicide, & B-Day.

    01 = B-day/ works for all Game-types except King in Regicide
    02 = Regicide/ Works only as flood slayer companion, does not work with just slayer unfortunately
    03 – 99 = unknown but already mapped by synth92

    Now, the new & improved codes

    00 00 00 0F FF FF FF FFF0 D0 F0FF FF FF FD FF FF FF FC

    Notice the bold changes the appearance.

    The purple will change the color…

    http://www.december....c/colorhex.html this will help sort of….

    So, black flood would be, yup, you guessed it:

    01 FB FB FB FB FA 00 {00} 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 D0 F0 FF FF FF FD FF FF FF FC FC

    20 = enabled 40 = disabled 60 = something else, not sure what. But it affects it….

    01 FB FB FB FB FA C0 28 80 00 00 0F FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FD FF FF FF FC

    Above as 27 digits instead of 26 , change the 3 to change player movement stuff & paste.

    Paste this in screenshot below to get black flood.

    If you use 0F FF instead, you’ll be force white. Not Sure why….I have not tried 04 FC FF because I’m trying to get things figured out.

    I don’t know how to edit colors all that well, just Know that I know the above is black flood

    20 = enabled 40 = disabled 60 = something else, not sure what. But it affects it….

    The other digits before you get to the F0 = color & F0 D0 F0 = appearance and then the rest I have no clue what it controls, something but not sure what, but eventually I’ll know.

    Now, for what you have been waiting for, the size.

    To control the size of the character is quite relatively simple and that’s why I couldn’t figure out, lol… But after editing the size, you then can set-it up however you want in-game, same with flood appearance….

    Code for the size….


    01 FB FB FB FB FA 00 00 60 38 40 C3 25 0F FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FC

    Pink is highlighted for size

    Paste this into the D410 where 01 FB is & then, you can start editing the size.

    Note: This still only changes the appearance, not the scale proportion so you can’t walk through cracks & walls, just look really small. But it does change the how you react to weapons & etc for some reason. Meaning if your super big, it’ll take people no matter where they are the map, they can shoot you down within a few shots, & etc. If your super small, well, it’s hard for people to shoot you, etc.

    Now, lets see what happened from the last code to this code, shall we…



    26 digits

    Big Slayer:

    01 FB FB FB FB FA 00 00 60 {38 40}C3 25 0F FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FC

    29 digits

    The highlighted blue I do not know why it is there, after saving my file, it changed it to those bits…..

    But 3 bits were added, weren’t there. Huh, thought it was 2 but I know why two, I did this with the gravity edited….

    But anyhow, I can’t say for sure, but paste the Big Slayer code into all the way from 01 – FC and then you can edit the highlighted bits.

    You don’t want to mess with the 60 or size won’t change. You mess with the bracketed bits in the Big Slayer by logic, 37 39 = smaller 39 41 = taller and do not, I repeat, do not make it go 41 23 or it’ll ruin the file.

    But that controls the size.

    Now, even more hard, is to control the appearance…..Kind of,

    01 FB FB FB FB FA 00 00 60 {38 40}C3 25 0F FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FC

    Appearance below = Big Flood = Wrong

    01 FB FB FB FB FA 00 00 60 {38 40}C3 250F FF FF FF FFF0 D0 F0FF FF FF FD FF FF FF FC

    Appearance Below = Big Flood = Right

    01 FB FB FB FB FA 00 00 60 {38 40}C3 25A0 A0 B0 C0 D0 F0 D0 F0 C0 B0 A0 F0 D0 A0 BA C0

    Big Flood Black:
    01 FB FB FB FB FA 00 00 60 {38 40}00 0000 00 00 00 00 F0 D0 F0 C0 B0 A0 F0 D0 A0 BA C0

    Because you need the old code as it has a signal or something telling you need it, I do not know why, but it is needed….

    Note, those codes only work in Slayer/regicide/ the rest but flood

    The Flood Game-Type:

    12 0A 2B FB FB 80 00 00 60 30 40 00 01 15 30 E3 FF FF FF FF FF FD FF FF FF FC 04

    That is for sizing all players if pasted in the the food at D420 offset or near there. To find the Alpha or Regular flood code, I do not know, but maybe someone can elighten me. I Think D900 or near there is the Alpha but each time I change it becomes invalid.

    Now, let’s move on to find out health slayer, shall we…..

    Warning: Unless you have a modded xbox, if you play this mod in theatre, right at 1 second it will freeze your xbox up.

    Now, back to health mod.

    01 FB FB FB FB FA 00 00 04 FC FF FC 04 00 FF FF FF 00 00 00 BD FF FF FF 58 78 BE 59 79 BF 60 7A C0 00 04 FC FF FF FF EF FF F7 FF FB FF FD FF FE FF FF FC

    That is bigger then original is it not? Any more added will result in corrupt profile or works with crash effect:

    Crash effect: When it loads, sometime, depending whenever, will result in a crash. Not sure why nor care.

    Basically, I kept adding 4 00’s, playing, added another 4, then after the third time, I rearranged the code & it came up with this. Now who say’s adding 00 don’t anything, well, they are right until you change it, thank my dad for the idea….

    I suggest you don’t attempt making it on your own, just copy paste & be on your way…..

    Feel free to change the code around, only the bolded though.

    Weapon List thanks to synth92

    253 Unchanged
    252 Random
    0 DMR
    1 Assault Rifle
    2 Plasma Pistol
    3 Spike Rifle
    4 Energy Sword
    5 Magnum
    6 Needler
    7 Sniper Rifle (unusable)
    8 Rocket Launcher
    9 Shotgun
    10 Sniper Rifle
    11 Spartan Laser
    12 Gravity Hammer
    13 storm rifle
    14 incineration cannon
    15 target designator
    16 beam rifle
    17 sticky detonator
    18 plasma turret (Not Usable)
    19 golf club
    20 concussion rifle
    21 machine gun (Not Usable)
    22 plasma turret (Not Usable)
    23 target designator
    24 LightRifle
    25 Scattershot
    26 Binary Rifle
    27 Repeater
    28 Railgun
    29 Stasis Rifle(Not usable: Will have pic, but not usable)
    30 Storm Rifle
    31 Needle shotgun
    32 Grapple Harpoon (Not usable}
    33 Incineration Cannon
    34 Carbine
    35 Beam Rifle
    36 Sticky Detonator
    37 SAW
    38 Fuel Rod Cannon
    39 Boltshot
    40 Bishop Beam (Not Usable)
    41 Concussion Rifle
    42 Fuel Rod Cannon
    43 Battle Rifle
    44 Suppressor
    45 Flagnum
    46 Flood Talons
    47 DMR NBL
    48 Magnum STC
    49 Plasma Pistol FCT
    50 LightRifle IMP
    51 Suppressor SHA
    52 Carbine RGN
    53 Boltshot PST
    54 Battle Rifle DNE
    55 Battle Rifle ACT
    56 Assault Rifle PDR
    57 Assault Rifle PRM
    58 Incineration Cannon
    59 None
    60 Sticky Detonator (unusable)
    61 Railgun (unusable)
    62 Plasma Pistol (unusable)
    63 Target Designator (usable)​

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