Hi XPG I just thought I'd say hi to everyone here a XPG and tell you that in the near future I am going to try and become gold gifter and go for many badges like 'helper'. I know a lot about JTAGS/RGHs so PM me if you need anything by the way I'd just like to say thanks to everybody for being such a nice community! I hope to get to know a lot of people around the site. I am going to contribute a lot to the community in the near future so get ready lol. I hope to give back to the community also. I know this is a bit of a radom post but I'd just like to say thanks for being a great community! Thanks!
Ey mate! Such a great forum isn't it ? I may want to know about JTAG/RGH one day ( I have zero knowledge about them ) so I may send a PM your way.
Welcome to XPG, Have fun here I moved your topic to Introductions >.< Here is the Userbadge List so you can have a look over! http://www.xpgamesaves.com/topic/98627-xpg-userbadage-and-awards-requirements-new-updated/ BTW Enjoy your New Award.
Thanks Rocky, spoke to you over PM about my lobbies being verified, very nice guy Loving the award and thanks for a warm welcome guys, just posted a nice little giveaway!