I have Tried over and over again to figure out how to get this trainer completed with Code Caving and setting Pointers and i can't get it completed. Could a Trainer Developer please get this done for me. (I Have the "Offsets / Registers" needed for the Mods on Title Update: 1 if you are willing to help i can send them to you. I already made a Trainer Request but haven't had any luck with help so i decided to try here. GAME NAME: NBA 2K14TITLE ID: 545408B0MEDIA ID: 464DB37D TITLE UPDATE VERSION: Title Update: 1(5) Cheats: 1) Home Shot Clock Frozen | 2) Away Shot Clock Frozen 3) Home Fast Shot Clock | 4) Away Fast Shot Clock | 5 if possible some kind of preset for changing score on scoreboard. Thanks to those who try to Help!
ok looking at the options its seems that options 1-4 will be controlled by the same breakpoint and score would be controlled separately. now score can be caved but a li should be ok depending if its attached to something else. as for the frozen timer a nop should sort that. what have you done so far?
I'm just now starting out and i've read through the Trainer Tutorials and the XPG Guide and its just overwhelming trying to take the examples that were given and doing it i am new to developing but i have been researching and reading over and trying to get it down with debugging and testing i just need to get this trainer done and i was going to start a project on a different game but i am willing to learn how to do this one if i got help.
tbh if this is your 1st trainer i'd advised doing a cod game as there easy to do(offsets are static, no caving needed etc), code caving can take a while to master even members of teamxpg can spend ages getting a cave to work properly without crashes. post the breakpoints and the surrounding offsets and ill tell you some options to try
Well i was really wanting to get this done even if someone could do it for me i am going to go pick another game for learning after i get this trainer so that i can use it. Points 8276B228 7C832214 add r4,r3,r4 8276B22C A06B0002 lhz r3,2(r11) 8276B230 A3CB0004 lhz r30,4(r11) 8276B234 908BFFFC stw r4,-4(r11) Shotclock 82244084 C1A30010 lfs fr13,10h(r3) 82244088 83E30000 lwz r31,0(r3) 8224408C ED8D002A fadds fr12,fr13,fr0 82244090 D1830010 stfs fr12,10h(r3) 82244094 2B1F0000 cmplwi cr6,r31,0
8276B234 908BFFFC stw r4,-4(r11) change to 38800063 82244090 D1830010 stfs fr12,10h(r3) change to 60000000 let me know what happens
I changed both of those and then resumed the debugging and it made all my players and the other teams players just stand around and wont let me through the ball in bounds and its not giving me a 5second violation either this is weird.
sounds like they might be attached to other things, but if it not giving you the 5 sec violation then you have definitely found the timer offset. did you try them separately or at the same time?
I went back and changed the one for the Time that made me freeze so that the game will resume as normal and i did that Score offset you sent me and when i made a 3pointer it gave me "-3 Points" then after a second it reset scores back to 0.
8276B228 7C832214 add r4,r3,r4 change to 38830063 its possible you have the screen value if it rest to zero and not the actual score breakpoint
That one when i put did it the score changed to like 1188 and every time i scored it would subtract 2or3 and then after a second reset back to 1188. I think you would probably have to have the game to see all this weird stuff happening to understand better.
yeah ill get it today after i finish this massive download so i can see whats happening and post back when i've seen whats going on
Funny how its the same story of you "wanting to learn to make trainers" yet you ONLY want to learn on your request. Your not going to learn code caving before you even know how to set a breakpoint. I have explained to you over the last 3 days how to get this running providing you many examples, tutorials, and walking you through the process. Not to mention finding all the offsets you decided to post. Anyway next time you ask someone for help, why not just tell them the truth and cut the bs. Good luck with your request.