Hey guys, I just stumbled upon this website and decided I'd register and check out the forums. I'll start by saying some things about myself. Well, my name is Mike, I'm 21 years old and I live in Maryland. I'm far from new to a forum atmosphere, I've been an active forumgoer since I was a teenager. I've been moderator on a couple large sites, but as of lately I've kinda dropped off the face of the internet world. I'm not really into modding games anymore, I'm just here for the community and whatnot. I have a history of modding though, I started on playstation 2 (Tony Hawk and Socom games mostly) and later dabbled in some COD mods on the ps3 before getting banned and moving to xbox to play games legit. I don't want to go on all day so I'll leave it at that, any questions feel free to ask.