Open for gfx work. If you would like anything made please make a request. Please follow this template when requesting. Font type; (can be selected at Colors; Theme; Dimensions; (make sure you know proper dimension, if they are wrong it could Particular Images; All my work is free however if you would like to make a donation feel free to do so by clicking the donate button in my signature. It is greatly appreaciated and keeps me continuing my artwork. Some samples of my work are below in each spoiler tag. Please be aware that it might be heavy on older computers. Cheers Signatures: Spoiler Continued in next post below
Avatars & Banners Spoiler Icons and iDevice Spoiler Windows Themes Spoiler Continued in next post below
Font Type: Some serrif type u choose Color: Blue and Black Theme: Flashy i guess Demensions: Youtube dimensions Particular images: None just the name Have some creativty with it if u wanna add anything that u think makes it look better go ahead
deminsions: 2120 X 1192 logo: make it streamerz backgorund: uhh really didnt think of one maybe u could come up with one When i said flashy i meant bright and bold but never mind. Dont know what u mean by banner or the icon background
I sent you a pm with some options however nothing on youtube fits the dimensions you have mentioned. I therefore used current YT TV dimersions of 2560x1440.
i like your smoke effect signatures / banner work - good gif workings and timings aren't bad. actually looks nice. Some good work. keep it up!