File Name: fable anniversary Modded Save File Submitter: marwon12File Submitted: 19 Feb 2014 File Category: Xbox360 Game Saves Fable Start of the game after you complete the Guild Quest Tutorials General XP - 99,999,999 Strength XP - 999,999,999 Speed XP - 999,999,999 Will XP - 999,999,999 Gold - 9,999,999 (MAX value) Resurrection Vials - 9,999 Health Potions - 9,999 Will Potions - 9,999 Rise of the Fenix Sword All skill's upgraded Click here to download this file
If i might be so bold. What exactly would the point be to having all that experience if you already have every skill at max? It honestly seems like a bit of a time consumer adding in all the points needed for purchasing the skills, then just saying F**k it and adding in the actual skills. XD Side Note:most of the people looking for saves, are mostly interested in having Avo's Tear & Sword of Aeon's, is that possible, or a pain in the ass trying to figure out?