Respawn Entertainment doesn't intend to ban Titanfall users playing legitimately purchased copies of the game ahead of its official release. Those with early copies of the game will be able to get a head start building up their Generation rank, although Respawn co-founder Vince Zampella says there may be some service downtime over the coming days. Tweet Vince Zampella @VinceZampella About playing early: We won’t stop or ban legit copies. It is prelaunch, so there may be interruptions in service as we prep servers. Publisher EA has confirmed a PC and Xbox One Titanfall release date of March 11, 2014 in North America and March 13 in Europe. The Xbox 360 version, which is being handled by Bluepoint Games, was recently delayed until March 25 in the US and March 28 in Europe. Earlier this week, EA announced a Titanfall DLC season pass. It will provide access to three post-launch add-on packs, each of which will contain new maps and further, yet to be determined content. Source - CVG
about time a company does this. if i could only get one early. but ill be happy with an early 360 version