Hello XPGamesaves, I just wanted to ask about diablo game saves, I know that there is a couple of tutorials on here but their not as nooby as what I was hoping for.. I want to download and use one of these gamesaves but are unsure about... on my xbox profile, on diablo, I have 2 characters 1 main and 1 low level. - if i do not want to change my main, do I still select my diablo save from my xbox profile or will they be 2 saves to choose from? (DO NOT want to overwrite my main with gamesave) would deeply apreciate the help, Crixxz.
would it work if i created a seperate profile, created a charecter (lvl 1) and then copied THAT save over to the pen, then either way its not affecting my main save or 'main' profile?
No as if that modded save have a charecter and its the same as yrs den it will 100% over write it and u will lose it on that save just make sure u have a back up copy of the save u dont want to lose.