Darksiders II Save Set(In Progress) 04/06/2016

Darksiders II Save Set(In Progress)

  1. RenownedZ3r0
    This is my personal save set for Darksiders II that is currently in progress and this is my progress so far for this save set. This save set currently contains the first achievements in the game in correct order, however you must first defeat the first boss before using this save set, so be warned right now.<br />
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    The reason for this is because the achievement for defeating the Crowfather unlocks as soon as he is defeated and after turning in a quest like the rest of the achievements in this save set. So please, defeat him first before using this save set.<br />
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    Don't forget to rehash and resign to your profile and +rep me if this save set has helped you out so far and I will update this save set as often as I can while I enjoy this game and create this save set for you guys.<br />
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    There will be a readme included in each folder that states what you must do in order to obtain the achievement and the folders are numbered so you know how to unlock them in order.<br />
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    You can use the auto save used for the "To Move a Mountain" achievement to also obtain the Feeding Time achievement. To obtain this, go into your inventory and look for the Possessed Double Scythes, click on it, and select Upgrade. Then just feed it items to level it up once to obtain the achievement.