dark souls 2 starter save knight class max stats max cash 04/06/2016

dark souls 2 starter save knight class max stats max cash

  1. 11
    alright here is the updated game save that i promised <br />
    maxed stats maxed souls 9999999 along with the <br />
    item inventory i said i would throw in for you guys <br />
    your gonna see items on your person and even<br />
    more when you go to a bonfire and check out the <br />
    other items that are stored away i noticed the other<br />
    game save i did the enemies were harder to fight <br />
    and did massive damage but i fixed it up made it <br />
    easy for you guys for those anoying boss fights <br />
    again injoy the game save and i hope to upload <br />
    more game saves in later time