Call of Duty 2 - SPG 04/06/2016

Call of Duty 2 - SPG

  1. M4H
    If you don't have the achievement for beating the training level, then beat it before SPGing.<br />
    <br />
    1.) Pull out your internet cord from Xbox 360. <br />
    2.) Remove HDD and delete all Call of Duty 2 saves from MU.<br />
    3.) Sign into source profile and load up game.<br />
    4.) Select mission D-Day: The Silo... select EASY.<br />
    5.) SPG as the level is loading.<br />
    6.) You will get booted, then go to Mission Select, and if all the levels are completed on Veteran then you did it right! <br />
    7.) Then just play whatever levels you need on EASY to earn the achievements!
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