Bastion Achievements Mind Voyager, Kid-At-Arms and Altruist 04/06/2016

Bastion Achievements Mind Voyager, Kid-At-Arms and Altruist

  1. RenownedZ3r0
    Hello. This is my personal gamesave to unlock three achievements in the arcade game Bastion<br />
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    Mind Voyager - Complete each trip to Who Knows Where.<br />
    To unlock this, when you load the game go to the left where the bed is and complete the Who Knows Where.<br />
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    Kid-At-Arms - Use the forge to apply at least one upgrade to every weapon.<br />
    Straight forward like it says, use the Forge to upgrade the Calamity Cannon and the Mortar once for the achievement to unlock for you.<br />
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    Altruist - Complete 100 percent of the Vigils in the Memorial.<br />
    Just go to the memorial and click on the card with the red star for this to unlock for you.<br />
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    This save may pop Vigilante for doing 50 percent of the Vigils so be warned<br />
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    As always don't forget to rehash and resign to your profile, and +rep me if this file has helped you out. Thanks.<br />
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    Both files are the same. I just needed to change something in the description of the achievement