begalbrew: Adventures in homebrew - part 2

Published by begallegal1 in the blog begalbrew. Views: 2076

Hey all, been busy busy lately as everyone is these days, but I have continued on with many aspects of XNA programming. The "Attack Of The Killer Hamburger" game from blog part1 is actually in transition into a simple 3-d shooter now instead of a 2-d side-scroller, I have also started work on a simple spelling game for kids "Spelling Fun Run" which I will share a couple pics of in this blog entry , I have also been looking deeper into the actual efficiency of what I have created so far, using tools and adding monitoring code to the games so I can ensure they are as console friendly as possible ;) so here's a bit of what I have had going since part1.......

Here is "AoTkH" before it's transition to 3-d

Here is a quick couple screens of spelling fun run,,as you can see it is a very basic spelling game, as you level up it pulls words with more letters, and it will have options settings to set the game up for age/grade level of kids so it starts them with appropriate type words for their expected skill per age


still being in the design stages as you see I havn't even limited the letters location to within my bars on top of bottom, and have given the player a generic image that will eventually turn to an animated running character


mostly concept for now but all good for learning

and here is a quick frame rate test sample I found in an xna book, I will be using bits of this code to create my own debugging features inside my games for frame rate etc

See you all next time, thanks for reading :begal:
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