PS Vita: Homebrews, Plugins, Emulators and ISO/CSO on TN-V Without CMA or FTP

scunnyemce Jan 26, 2014

  1. scunnyemce

    scunnyemce Loading ......... Lifetime Gold

    Jun 6, 2012
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    This method of getting homebrew and ISO/CSO on your Vita will work well for those of you not wanting to use CMA (or OpenCMA) or not wanting to use FTP because of the bug where it changes the PSP folder to QSP, discussed here. Although I personally have not had problems with FTP, it is still likely that bugs may occur with you.

    Here is what you need:
    • A PlayStation Vita running TN-V5+ (only if you want plugins otherwise I believe any other version will do) to get V5+, go to your XMB and under settings select System Update and do a network update
    • PSP Filer
    From here you will never need to use FTP or CMA for any of your eCFW TN needs!
    First you need to start up your exploit game. Once you are in the XMB, go over to Network and start up Internet Search. Hit New Search and type “official tn homebrew thread”. You should see a link to a page. This is the one we are going to use. Once on the page keep going down to the bottom and clicking next page until you see a homebrew game you would like to install. Eventually you will see plugins, then emulators, and then homebrew applications, then CTF themes, and then Gameboots. For whatever it is you want click “Download Here”. When prompted select Yes. On the next prompt make sure that the destination is /PSP/COMMON and then save. Once save is completed exit the browser. Navigate to Memory Stick under game in the XMB and start PSP Filer.
    For the next three parts you can skip to the tutorial for whatever you want to install. The first part is for Homebrew Games/Applications and emulators, the second is for plugins, themes, and gameboots, and the third is for ISO/CSO.
    To install Homebrew Games, Homebrew Applications, and Emulators:
    1. Go down and open PSP folder with Circle
    2. Open COMMON with Circle
    3. Click Circle on the .rar file you downloaded earlier
    4. In that file you downloaded earlier hit X on the .ZIP file
    5. Select Circle to copy
    6. Click Triangle on the destination PSP/SAVEDATA/WhateverTheFolderOfYourExploitGameIs (US Megamix is NPUH10088)
    7. Close once the file is copied
    8. Now you can delete the .rar file from earlier by hitting X, then Square, and then Circle
    9. Close
    10. Now you can exit PSP Filer by hitting the Select and Start buttons at the same time
    11. Go to your Memory Stick under game
    12. You should see the game you want to install click Triangle, Yes, wait for the install to complete, and then Yes again
    13. Leave Game, open something else in the XMB and then go back to Game
    14. Enjoy your Homebrews and Emulators!
    * For ROMs for your emulators, on the Internet Browser download the from some place on the internet and put them in the ROM folder for you emulator using PSP Filer or use your PC to upload ROMs to Google Drive or Dropbox or somewhere and then download them on your PS Vita and put them in the ROM folder for you emulator using PSP Filer.
    *If you try to copy your file using PSP and your are told that the location can’t be read or something like that. Install the homebrew PSPInstaller from the Homebrew Thread from earlier and see if it is available there (This has to be done for Wagic)
    Video Tutorial:

    To install Plugins, CTF Themes, and Gameboots:
    1. In PSP Filer, Go down and open PSP folder with Circle
    2. Open COMMON with Circle
    3. Click Circle on the .rar file you downloaded earlier
    4. In that .rar file hit X on the .ZIP file
    5. Select Circle to copy
    6. Click Triangle on the destination PSP/SAVEDATA/WhateverTheFolderOfYourExploitGameIs (US Megamix is NPUH10088)
    7. Close once the file is copied
    8. Now you can delete the .rar file from earlier by hitting X, then Square, and then Circle
    9. Close
    10. Now you can exit PSP Filer by hitting the Select and Start buttons at the same time
    11. Once in the XMB Hit your Select button and then click on TN Recovery Menu
    12. Go to Plugins and then Plugin Installer and install your plugin, theme, or gameboot
    13. Enjoy your Plugins, themes, and gameboots!
    *For themes, after the steps for Plugins you also have to go Settings -> Theme Settings and then select the theme.
    Video Tutorial:

    To install ISO/CSO:
    1. On your PC, rename your ISO/CSO to something short that is in all caps (e.g. MYGAME.ISO for ISO files or MYGAME.CSO for CSO files) DO NOT ASK WHERE TO GET ISO/CSO!
    2. Upload the file to Google drive or Dropbox or something
    3. In TN on your Vita, download the ISO/CSO file
    4. In PSP Filer, Go down and open PSP folder with Circle
    5. Open COMMON with Circle
    6. Click X on the .ISO/.CSO file you downloaded earlier
    7. Select Circle to copy
    8. Click Triangle on the destination PSP/SAVEDATA/WhateverTheFolderOfYourExploitGameIs (US Megamix is NPUH10088)
    9. Close once the file is copied
    10. Exit PSP Filer by hitting the Select and Start buttons at the same time
    11. Your game will be either at the top or the bottom of your game list press Triangle on it to install
    12. Go back to PSP Filer and delete the ISO/CSO from your SAVEDATA folder to save space
    13. Enjoy your ISO/CSO
    Video Tutorial:

    Special thank you to SMOKE and all of the other amazing people who contributed to The Official TN-V Homebrews + Plugins + Themes Thread as this guide would not at all be possible without them. I’m going to link it right here just because it is so helpful. Comment and PM for more from me, JayDog or follow on Twitter @The_Jay_Doctor

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