
Is My Lobby Legit?

  1. Yes, 100% Well Hosted!

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  2. No, 100% Complete Rubbish!

    0 vote(s)

Avii8's | Fast & Free Money Lobby | Closed

Avii8 May 23, 2016

  1. Avii8

    Avii8 Newbie

    Feb 24, 2016
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    United Kingdom
    Make sure you read all through my post!!!


    Break any of these rules and you be banned from my future lobbies!

    1) No Talking over people
    2) Giving other players abuse
    3) Playing music down the microphone
    4) Don't bank all your money at once
    5) Once you get money don't ask for more
    6) No killing
    7) A microphone is a MUST!
    8) Maximum of one person to stand under the item at once!

    How To Join

    NOTE: This is the only way to get into my lobbies!

    Send me a message saying "GTA V Service" then I will invite you, one message per person please, if you try and send more than one you will be banned from my lobbies!

    How The Lobby Works

    I spawn a item, stand under that item for the money
    Maximum of one person to stand under the item at once!

    Note: Before leaving follow these steps if you want to keep your money!

    1) You need to buy something before you leave otherwise the money won't stick
    2) Then bank your money, but don't bank it all at once!
    3) Leave the game so others can join!

    Note: Only time I kick is if I need to make room for new players, Breaking any of the rules, Being an all round idiot.


    I am not responsible in any resulting bans that may occur you do this at your own risk.


    Proof 1: http://i.imgur.com/OxHVNQW.jpg
    Proof 2: http://i.imgur.com/GCjEecA.jpg
    Proof 3:

    Troubleshooting (If Your Having Problems)

    Connecting To Me: If you are having problems connecting to me just try this: Go to your network settings and just test you're xbox live connection and you should be able to join after that.
    Money Problems: If you're having problems with your money not sticking it's because you didn't read my post or listen.


    Host GT: Avii8


    If you feel like donating they are greatly appreciated but not essential, If you are donating, all donations will go towards helping my lobbies for example: KV's & Stealth Servers.

    If you wish to donate feel free to PM for details.

    People Who Have Donated


    If you have made it this fair I hope you have read through my post!

    As always I hope you have fun. [​IMG]

    - Avii8

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