xeBuild 04/06/2016


  1. EyesOnly
    Introduction:<br />
    =============<br />
    xeBuild is a command line system image builder for JTAG, glitch, and clean images.<br />
    Run the xeBuild program with no (or incorrect) args to see it's useage info.<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    What's New:<br />
    ===========<br />
    - added corona4g build target, nanddump.bin minimum size (without ecc) is 0x3000000<br />
    - minor bug fixes<br />
    - add 16197<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    Current Limitations:<br />
    ====================<br />
    - STAY THE HELL OFF LIVE! Nuff said, we're not you're mum.<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    How To Use:<br />
    ===========<br />
    - See individual folders for lists of files to provide<br />
    - if desired provide replacement cpu and 1bl keys in text files<br />
    - open a command window in the xeBuild directory<br />
    - on the command line type, for example:<br />
    <br />
    example - if you provided keys in appropriate text files<br />
    <br />
    xeBuild.exe -t glitch -c falcon -d myfalcon myfalconout.bin<br />
    <br />
    -t glitch = build a glitch type image<br />
    -c falcon = use falcon bl and patch set<br />
    -d myfalcon = a folder is present called "myfalcon" with per machine files, this uses it<br />
    myfalconout.bin = the file that will be produced<br />
    <br />
    - type xeBuild.exe -? for command line info<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    Example:<br />
    ========<br />
    -take original console dump, put it in mytrinity folder as nanddump.bin<br />
    -set CPU key and 1BL key in ini file, verify LDV from nanddump.bin matches console fuses<br />
    if not set cfldv in ini file<br />
    -build (xeBuild.exe -t glitch -d mytrinity -f 13599), flash and hopefully life is good<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    .ini files:<br />
    ===========<br />
    Just a word on the format... the ini parser is not very robust, the files need<br />
    to be plain ASCII, everything after a ; on a line is ignored, and spaces are<br />
    not acceptable (they get removed).<br />
    <br />
    Things like CPU key and 1BL key, if present in the per box ini file need not be<br />
    placed anywhere else.<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    Optional Patches:<br />
    =================<br />
    Various optional patches are included for use with the -a option, they are:<br />
    nofcrt - removes fcrt.bin requirement on some drives<br />
    nohdd - disables detection of internal SATA HDD<br />
    nohdmiwait - HDMI consoles will no longer wait or EXX screen when video is not ready<br />
    nomu - disables detection of jasper big block NAND mu<br />
    notrinmu - disables detection of trinity 4G internal USB module<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    Note:<br />
    =====<br />
    controller config can result in problems remapping bad blocks (even manually.)<br />
    If you have a 16M jasper, an additional build type has been added<br />
    'jaspersb', by default the image will be built for jasper with big block<br />
    controller (config 00023010), use this alternate switch to build for small<br />
    block controller (config 01198010.)<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    Multi build/options example:<br />
    ============================<br />
    when you specify -f 13599 on the command line:<br />
    13599\filelist.ini<br />
    is parsed instead of data\filelist.ini<br />
    <br />
    Also the bin directory is used from<br />
    13599\bin\<br />
    instead of<br />
    bin\<br />
    allowing anyone to create multiple builds without multiple instances or<br />
    rebuilds/hex edits/hacks of the main app.<br />
    <br />
    The example provided is the last version of 13599 patch set from dash launch and<br />
    other files to build freeboot 13599<br />
    <br />
    example use:<br />
    ------------<br />
    xeBuild -f 13599 -d myfalcon x13599out.bin<br />
    <br />
    -f 13599 : use .\13599\filelist.ini, and .\13599\ for firmware files, .\13599\bin\ for patches<br />
    -d myfalcon : use .\myfalcon for per build files (cpu key, keyvault, security files, ini etc.)<br />
    x13599out.bin: override auto generated name and produce .\x13599out.bin as the final NAND image<br />
    <br />
    note, if -d ***** is not specified it will still use the original /data and /bin dirs<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    Devkit image building:<br />
    ======================<br />
    This feature is currently considered Beta/Work In Progess.<br />
    <br />
    A new image target type was added, "-t devkit" which builds 64M flash images for devkits. Currently untested,<br />
    building with a 00 filled CPU key will create a zeropaired devkit image that may allow one to boot a software<br />
    bricked devkit that one does not know the CPU key for and recover it to an operational state. By powering on<br />
    the console with such an image present, with a recovery DVD in the drive, the recovery software should be able<br />
    to create a new keyvault, re-pair the DVD drive to the new keyvault, and allow normal operation once complete.<br />
    <br />
    Normal devkit image building when one does know their CPU key and thus has security files and keyvault should<br />
    work as expected.<br />
    <br />
    Building devkit for glitch/jtag is also possible using the standard -t glitch/jtag methods. Sample ini<br />
    have been provided with this release, but will not work unless patches and files are supplied. Note that devkit<br />
    is not our focus, but was relatively easy and straight forward option to supply for those that wish to make<br />
    use of it.<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    jasperbigffs:<br />
    =============<br />
    Those who use large block NAND are now able to nearly double the size of the system file area<br />
    with this option with no apparent ill effects. Normally this option wouldn't be needed, but if one<br />
    wanted to experiment with more files in flash, or one was building a devkit image for a devkit with<br />
    a big block flash, this option is required.<br />
    <br />
    support:<br />
    ========<br />
    If you've found a bug or have a suggestion, please comment at<br />
    realmodscene.com/index.php?/forum/15-xebuild/ (english)<br />
    homebrew-connection.org/forum/in...?board=8.0 (english/french)<br />
    <br />
    Credits:<br />
    ========<br />
    Without ikari this would not have been possible, thanks!