Max payne 3 [All Gold Guns|All Clues|All difficulty ACHIEVEMENTS!] 04/06/2016

Max payne 3 [All Gold Guns|All Clues|All difficulty ACHIEVEMENTS!]

  1. FastMouse1234
    Hardcore Save<br />
    This save is for the last collectible and the last golden gun part achievements:<br />
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    Location of the last collectible<br />
    Load Chapter 2, checkpoint 3. Night-Club Flyer Clue Location.<br />
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    It is located in the VIP lounge, on the right side of the bar, while facing the stairs that take you to the next floor.<br />
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    Location of the last golden gun part.<br />
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    <br />
    <br />
    Load Chapter 6, checkpoint 8. Golden MD-97L Part 3 Location.<br />
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    After you clear the lobby where the secretary was killed, check the model stand on the right side, near the wall. Break the glass to get the final Golden MD-97L part.<br />
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    This savegame is for new york minute hardcore. (I don't know if the achievement will unlock)