exProfileEditor 04/06/2016


  1. v3n3
    [​IMG]<br />
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    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]<br />
    For more Screenshot visit: http://www.djekldev....screenshots.php<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    What is "exProfileEditor" ?<br />
    exPE is a free tool, completely coded by myself, for mainly unlocking Achievements.<br />
    But thats not all, it also got some extra-features like "exGPD", for transfering Games and / or the Achievement Order and exGA, which is for GameAdding. Not to mention "exAchImg", which is a free-to-use Online Database containing nearly all Achievement Images, which will inject the necessary Image when unlocking an Achievement so everything will look 100% legit.<br />
    There are also various GameEdit´s, which are built-in tools for different Games to change settings from games saved inside the profile.<br />
    <br />
    Feature XYZ doesnt work ?!<br />
    Please contact me and explain what you did and what happened.<br />
    Also, please prepare to send me your profile (so I can reproduce the error), if necessary.<br />
    <br />
    How can I contact you ?<br />
    Feel free to just post here, send me a PM / Email or add me on MSN:<br />
    MSN: xi_v3n93ance_ix@hotmail.de<br />
    E-Mail: benjamin.j@arcor.de<br />
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    How can I contribute ?<br />
    The first thing would be that people spread the word.<br />
    If you have information about any Mods for GPD´s, contact me.<br />
    Otherwise would be any kind of feedback perfect.<br />
    <br />
    Current GameEdit´s:<br />
    -CoD2<br />
    -CoD4<br />
    -CoD5<br />
    -CoD7<br />
    -Halo 3 (Terminals missing)<br />
    -Halo 3 ODST (Not yet implemented)<br />
    -Castle Crashers (Unlock Map/Pet missing)<br />
    -Red Faction: Guerilla (only Online-XP)<br />
    -Doritos Crash Course<br />
    <br />
    Greetings<br />