Dead Space 2: Lightspeed de Milo - The Nanny - Ch.6 04/06/2016

Dead Space 2: Lightspeed de Milo - The Nanny - Ch.6

  1. Jbrizzel
    I didn't see any other these achievements on the site so figured I would help out!​
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    This will unlock the following achievements:​
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    Lightspeed de Milo
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    Dismember the Lightspeed Boy Statue​
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    (After you load the save, turn left and go up the elevator and shoot the statue's head off and the achievement will unlock.)
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    The Nanny
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    Kill 30 Crawlers without detonating them​
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    (Go back down the elevator and go all the way down the hallway and go inside to the baby room and stasis the crawling baby and shoot them in the head and achievement unlocked.)
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    This will also unlock any other achievement you are needing, so you only have to do 1 of each, make sure it's in legit order before you use this save.​
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    Save Provided by: Jbrizzel
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Recent Reviews

  1. ImKindOfHigh
    Version: 04/06/2016