CON Flag Remover 04/06/2016

CON Flag Remover

  1. Ji
    When you use files on a banned console an ID is written to those files making them only work on that console. CON Flag Remover fixes the file so that you can then use it on any console.<br />
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    Created by: JizzaBeez<br />
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    1) download CON Flag Remover<br />
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    2) open con flag remover.<br />
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    3) click 'Open File' to browse for and open your file.<br />
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    4) then click 'Remove Flags' to fix the file.<br />
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    5) rehash your file if it's corrupt (may not need to though).<br />
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    Note: If you see "FFFFFFFFFF" then that means there's no 'flags' and the file's ok.<br />
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    The 'flags' is the ID of the banned console (or the console that made/used the file). This is so that the file only works on the console with that ID. Remove that ID and replace with "FFFFFFFFFF" and it will work on any console.<br />
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    Note: This does NOT allow DLC to be used on different consoles (to be transferred).<br />
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    Also FYI : When you use the app and fix a file, it makes a backup copy of the file with the extension ".bak". The app actually does the exact same thing that HxD does if you edit your file and save it... it creates a backup of the original file and adds the ".bak" extension to it. But with the ".bak" extension on it your 360 will not like it. So if you need to use the original (".bak") file then just delete the ".bak" from it and it'll be just like the original.